Let’s have a change of topic.
Let me break down my 97 favorite photos for you in a new series –
The Best of Kayla Kohn
So if you didn’t know, I am a Unraveled Academy Expert Artist. What this means is I put together a portfolio of my best work, I spent one whole day doing this, showing my best skills as a photographer, I curated it, organized and worked my butt off. I got accepted and that means I get to stand with many other amazing photographers and be recognized as someone who basically knows the rules of photography and knows how to smash through them to create work that people love. The images in this series are the images that got me accepted as an Expert Artist. Please like my facebook page and follow along as I continue to share the rest of the photos in this series. I will be making new posts in the series on my Facebook page first, and then updating the captions to the photos as I go.
This post is a long time coming. I have wanted to take my best images and put them in a gallery/blog post for people to see my best work all together. I am grateful for my experience in putting together and submitting my Expert Artist portfolio. It forced me to take a deep dive look into the photos I have taken and see which ones were my strongest and to deconstruct was was good about them. It’s important as an artist to always strive to get better and learn and continue to master your craft. But it’s also important to look back and what you have created, analyze its strengths and weaknesses and move forward.
For you photographers – These photos were taken with a Canon 6D mark ii, Sigma 35 1.4 and a few with the Canon 50 1.4.
Let’s do this!
To read more of the story behind the image above – read here